Working with Children Check WWCC


All Lorne SLSC members 18 and over MUST obtain a WWCC before your membership can be accepted or renewed.  This includes all parental helpers for nippers and bronze camp, volunteers for club events such as Pier to Pub and Mountain to Surf, and all life and associate members.  As a Life Saving Victoria pre-requisite, there are no exemptions under this policy.
Life Saving Victoria has a moral obligation to protect its young members (U18).

It is a State legal requirement to ensure all young members are protected from physical and sexual harm.  This legal requirement involves all members 18 years and older who undertake volunteer work that:

usually involves, or is likely usually to involve, regular direct contact with a child in connection with a service, body, place or activity specified in sub-section (3) in circumstances where that contact is not directly supervised by another person.

Source: Working With Children Act 2005 (Vic)

There are serious legal ramifications for Life Saving Victoria and the Lorne SLSC if the Act is breached.  Fines of up to $125,000 can be imposed on LSV and up to $25,000 or 2 year prison terms can be imposed on individuals.

Many people already hold a WWCC with another organisation. If this is the case for you, you must update your WWCC by adding the Lorne SLSC and Life Saving Victoria to your list of organisations.

Follow this link to update your details.

What does a Working With Children Check (WWCC) include?

The Working With Children Act 2005 (Vic) includes a compulsory Working With Children Check for all employees and volunteers who work in connection with 20 occupational areas and who have regular, direct and not directly (indirect) supervised contact with children.  This check has implications for all areas of Life Saving Victoria as many of our activities involve young members (U18) including:

  • patrols
  • competition
  • coaching
  • instructing & assessing
  • using the clubs change room facilities
  • day-to-day club activities and operations (bunk rooms, camps, events etc)

All adults assisting with children must have a Working With Children Check card.  You can apply online at

The following will help you complete the application:

You will need 100 pts of identification (refer application form) and also a passport sized photo to submit with your application.  There is no cost associated with applying for a volunteer WWCC unless you require one for employment purposes.

How to complete Section D and Section E on the WWCC Form:

Section D: Details of Child-Related Work

11. List the area(s)
Use the following codes:
1st Code No. 10 (overnight camps) Volunteer X
2nd Code No. 72 (Clubs & Associations) Volunteer X

Section E:  Details of Organisation/s

12. Which organisation(s)

Primary Organisation:
Lifesaving Victoria
200 The Boulevard
Port Melbourne Vic 3207
Phone: 9676 6900

Other Organisation:
Lorne Surf Life Saving Club
Mountjoy Parade
Lorne Vic 3232
Phone: 5289 1724

When you have submitted your WWCC application:

Provide a copy of the volunteer application receipt & when issued the WWCC card to the club administrator (Alice Van Deuren) in person or by any of the following means:



Lorne Surf Life Saving Club
Attn: Alice Van Deuren
PO BOX 142
Lorne VIC 3232


WWCC Enquiries

Phone Alice: 0430 720 840