Lorne Mower December 2017
Between The Flags
Hi Lorne Members,
With Summer just around the corner I was pleased to see The Surf Club a hive of activity at the much needed November Working Bee. Held on a Saturday afternoon, the skip at the rear of the Surf Club was quickly filled. A big thank you to those that attended. Also thanks to Heath, Sam and Jenny for their organisation.
I’m thrilled to see that the GMHBA Lorne Pier to Pub and GMHBA Lorne 5000 sold out in record time. The GMHBA Lorne Mountain to Surf is almost at capacity so don’t forget to register. It is truly remarkable that entries sell quicker each year. It just goes to show how these events are held in such high regard. Special mention to new Race Director John Takac and Assistant Race Director Tina Westacott on a grand job. Keep up the good work.
I just attended a parent Information night for the Parents of our upcoming Bronze Camp candidates at LSV. I can’t help be impressed by our younger Members who spoke at this night.

Well done to Georgia Chester, Amy Phelps and Nick Murnane. And also to our Club Captain Brydie Murrihy.
For active members up to the age of 18 to stay at our bunkhouse the Executive has introduced some new arrangements. An Indemnity Form which must be signed by a Parent and a sign in/out book. If not signed that Member will not be allowed to stay in the bunkhouse. More details are in this edition for your information, otherwise please contact the Club Administrator on this matter.
That’s all for now, see you on the beach.
Peter Murrihy
Peter Murrihy – President
contact: president@lornesurfclub.com.au
Club Captain’s message
Hello Lorne members,
As this is my first message to you, I would just like to say a big thank you for giving me the opportunity to be your Club Captain. I am very honoured and incredibly excited to see what this summer will bring!
Behind the scenes, the work of many has already started. Gear Inspection and our annual Skills Maintenance day have both been a success, with our equipment and active members ready for patrolling which began last weekend (2nd/3rd of Dec). A big thank you to Sam Aschhoff, Jack Slykhuis, Jess Sincock and Louise Rait for being so organised and helpful with Gear Inspection and thank you to our Assessors for their professionalism and friendly advice on SM day being Grace Forshaw, Anneliese McDonald, Simon Scholtes, Sam Ord, Larnie Hewat, Ben Wilson, Neil Morarty and Jenny Aschhoff.
Approximately 80 of our active members have now requalified their Bronze Medallions and extra awards.
Also, a special thanks to Andrew Griffiths and Heath Armstrong for conducting water safety so that everyone could complete their Run-Swim-Runs.
The trivia night was a fun night enjoyed by the intimate group that showed up to prove their knowledge. We would love to see this night grow in numbers so keep an eye out for it in the future as the night before Skills Maintenance.
In the next month, we have 3 school groups and a group of kids supported by the company ‘Challenge’ coming down to enjoy our beautiful beach. We will be conducting water safety and/or fun beach activities for them to enjoy.
See you between the flags!
Brydie Murrihy
Club Captain
contact: captain@lornesurfclub.com.au

Nippers at capacity
Once again the highly sought after nippers program has reached capacity.
A special welcome to Bec Read and Jo Pincus our new Nippers Coordinators who are looking forward to a great season for our nippers families. Jenn Brown, will continue to look after competition nippers.
Contact: nippers@lornesurfclub.com.au
Key Event Dates
December 2017
Monday 11th: Skills Maintenance, 9am
Monday 11th – 15th: Silver Camp
Saturday 16th – 23rd: Bronze Camp
Friday 22nd: Skills Maintenance, 10am
Wednesday 27th: Nippers pack pick up 4-6pm
Thursday 28th: Nippers starts
January 2018
Monday 1st: Club Annual Door Knock &
Nippers rest day
Saturday 6th: Nippers Club Championships (conclusion)
Friday 5th: Club 70th Birthday event
Friday 12th: GMHBA Lorne Mountain to Surf
Saturday 13th: GMHBA Lorne Pier to Pub
See the Club Calendar for carnival and patrol dates.
Bunkhouse – new rules
The Executive Committee has reviewed the use of the Bunk House accommodation, and has introduced a Waiver which is to be signed by a parent/guardian of Active Members who are under the age of 18 who are seeking to stay in the Bunk House.
To stay in the Bunk House, you must have your Bronze Medallion and be an Active Member of the Club (that is, you have to have maintained your Skills Maintenance and fulfilled your rostered patrol requirements). SRCs and Nippers are not permitted to stay in the Bunk House.
Junior Members have until the 20 December 2017 to submit the Waivers to Tina Westacott, and in the absence of a Waiver being provided, the relevant Member will have their key tag deactivated for the Bunk House.
The Executive has also introduced a ‘log book’ to document the Bunk House attendance. All members who stay in the Bunk House must sign in, and sign out using the log book. If you have any questions, please contact on this matter.
Contact: Tina Westacott club_administrator@

Join the beach team and get amongst Club competition fun!
Contact Georgia Chester or Caitlin McCombe competition@lornesurfclub.com.
This season we are hoping to get the biggest beach team we have had in many years! For this to happen we are looking for anyone who is interested in competing for us to come forward and express their interest, regardless of previous experience or ability! Competitors will have the opportunity to participate in any or all of the following events: the beach sprint, 2km run, beach flags or beach relays (providing we have enough competitors).
Georgia Chester, Beach Captain
Results Corner
Congratulations to the following members who participated in the Half Moon Bay Endurance Championships 11 November
U17 Swim (2km)
Gold – Luke Matthews, Silver -Thomas Hay
U15 4km Run
Gold – Sophie Carne
Other competitors with finishes in top ten if their respective events.
Sebastian Hadaway, Nathan Vabec, Harry Hay, Grace Lourey
Skills Maintenance Update
Due to the larger than normal number of our active members who have not had a chance to participate in Skills Maintenance yet, two more Skills Maintenance sessions will be held at Lorne Surf Club. They will be for Bronze Medallion and Surf Rescue Certificates (SRC) only.
- Monday 11th of Dec; 9am
- Friday 22nd of Dec; 10am
Contact: captain@

Meet the member!
Georgia Chester
Q1. What’s your role in the club?
This season I am Chief Instructor of Bronze Camp.
Q2. When did you start at the surf club and why?
As a child boogie boarding and building sand castles on the Lorne beach. Later I developed an obsession for Bondi Rescue and in 2008 my parents enrolled me in Nippers. I soon realised that part-taking in Life Saving was was better than watching from my couch, I have loved it ever since!
Q3. What is your favourite part of being a member of the club?
Lorne Beach, hanging out with friends and being active. I love our Bronze Camps, particularly instructing alongside many of my closest friends. It is great seeing the participants develop new skills and friendships. I also love is wearing the Lorne cap and representing us at competitions. As a Nipper I loved competing alongside all my Nipper friends at various beaches around Victoria and more recently I have taken to IRB racing. The IRB Aussie Champs I attended both this year and last have definitely been highlights of my life saving days!
Q4. What is your life motto and/or favourite quote?
Go Tiges
Q5. What would be your ultimate Christmas present?
Around the world
Photo: Phoebe Murray and Georgia Chester
Gap Year Program
The 2017/18 Gap Year Program will be up and running again this Summer season. The aim of the program is to involve our members who have completed their Surf Rescue Certificate (SRC) and not yet qualified for Bronze Camp or those wishing to stay involved with surf club activities.
The program is highly recommended for all those wishing to attend Bronze Camp and/or wanting a leadership position in the Club!
Program details click here
Registration click here
Contact: Junior Captain Nick junior.captain@lornesurfclub.
Volunteers Urgently Needed
- Grants Officer Important Role
This important role helps preserve Club income. We need a person to help apply for grants and administer existing grants. Works with the Club Captain. - Marketing Skills
The Club is looking for members with marketing skills in graphic design, copywriting, media, event organising to build the marketing team capability. If you can offer you skills on small project basis please let us know.
For details contact Tina Westacott Club Administrator
Board and Ski
We are gearing up for another great season on the boards and skis and have ordered new Bennett – Foam Racing Mals which should be available for the start of the Christmas period. As is the case with all Club equipment, we ask that members use Boards and Skis respectfully. My vision is to keep all foam and old fibreglass racing mals available for use by Club Members as this is a valuable tool in them progressing from Nipper boards to racing mals and why the Club have purchased them.
I’m not proposing to lock the foam and old fibreglass racing mals – EVER!!. I would hope they will be respectfully used, washed and returned to their rightful place in the gear shed. If they are not, I will be looking to ban and notify the parents of the Junior member who is not using them respectfully for a 7 day period. Hopefully this will prevent misuse, rather than locking them up. We don’t want the minority spoiling it for everyone.
To be clear, Club boards are for sharing and not for one family to store next to them on the beach. The boards are to be returned for others to use whilst not in use (and this means, hosing them down and putting them back on the racks – please do not simply leave them at the front of the Club on the assumption that someone else will use them that day).
PLEASE NOTE: All new fibreglass racing mals and the surf skis are for competition use or use by competent cadet members only. The Club invest significant money in purchasing racing grade equipment for the competitors, and with numerous other craft available for general use, we don’t want to see racing equipment used for ‘day to day’ activities.
The fibreglass racing mals and skis will be locked away and nobody is to use without permission from myself or Dave Hay.
Hopefully Nippers will have a few foam nipper boards available too so Nippers can use these boards rather than racing mals that may be too big for them and their skills.
On the competition side of things, we had the State Team Trials last weekend at Torquay. This was attend by Michael Garbelotto, Billy and Hamish Bowden. All performed well for their first carnival of the season and we hope that one or two will make the State Team which is announced in Mid December. U19/17 to compete in Adelaide and the U14/15 to compete in Manly / Freshwater both in January.
Please note, I am away for Christmas Period (15th Dec – 10th Jan) but I’ll see you on the beach in the New Year. If anyone is interested in getting involved in the Board and Ski section of the Club, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
James Bowden, Board & Ski Captain

* * * * * NEW AT TOM’S * * * * *
LIVE MUSIC – 29/12 – 4 – 7PM – Free
LIVE MUSIC & PAELLA – 10/1 – 5pmplease book paulandbron@hotmail.com.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Tom’s Bar & Bites
26 December – 26 January
Coffee – Cocktails – Cold Beer
Great Wine
All welcome to enjoy the spectacular view and good company.