The Bronze Medallion is the base award that all members aged 15 and over need to obtain to become a full active Surf Life Saver. Our Bronze holders undertake a number of roles including aquatic rescues, providing first aid and emergency care and providing surf safety information to the public. Other awards exist for members who may not qualify for the Bronze, such as Radio Operator Certificate and Advanced Resuscitation Techniques (see Qualifications). All qualified members can play an active role in our beach patrols.
Becoming a surf lifesaver is satisfying, fun and rewarding. You can lead a fit and healthy lifestyle, become trained in aquatic safety skills, make new friends, compete in surf sports, and give something back to the community. You may also help save someone’s life one day.
Once you’ve successfully completed this and have signed up with Lorne SLSC, you will be allocated to one of our rostered Patrol groups and will be proudly wearing the red and yellow on the beach and calling yourself a true surf lifesaver.
The most common way is to attend our Bronze Camp held for a week each December. Bronze Camp applications open late August.
Additionally, an Adult Bronze Medallion is available at times pending interest from members.
If you can’t make Bronze Camp, we run periodic courses during the year, such as ‘Adult Bronze’ courses. Register your interest by emailing our Vice President of Training and Assessment
Remember, we’re a volunteer organisation and need volunteers like you to operate. These are the minimum compulsory requirements for Bronze holders: