Club Committees

The Club is governed by an Executive Committee, supported by the General Committee and Sub-committees set up for specific tasks, such as the:

  • Pier to Pub Sub-committee
  • Life Saving Sub-committee
  • Competition Sub-committee
  • Club House Sub-committee

Executive Committee and General Committee positions are elected in accordance with our Constitution at the Annual General Meeting.  (The Constitution is currently being updated to reflect changes approved at the 2024 AGM.)  Sub-committees and their members are established as required on a voluntary (not elected) basis.

As a voluntary organisation, we rely on having sufficient members taking up roles on our committees.  We encourage members of all ages, experiences and backgrounds to volunteer to help manage the club and its many activities – it is fun, very rewarding and provides a great learning experience and opportunity for skills development, in particular for your resume and use at work.  Contact any current committee member if you are interested.

The main committees and roles are:


Executive Committee



  • drive strategic and operational leadership in the Club;
  • chair all Committee, Annual General, or Special General Meetings, or they may nominate another member of the Executive Committee to do so; and
  • the Delegate to State Centre – for the Council of Clubs, or may nominate an alternative representative.


  • manage the financial affairs of the Club:
    • receive all moneys paid to or received by the Club and ensure that all moneys received are paid into the account of the Club within 5 working days after receipt
    • make any payments authorised by the Club or by a General Meeting of the Club from the Club’s funds
    • ensure that the financial records of the Club are kept in accordance with the Act;
    • coordinate the preparation of the financial statements of the Club and their submission to the Annual General Meeting of the Club;
    • ensure that at least two Committee Members have access to the accounts and financial records of the Club;
  • provide regular updates on the Club’s financial position to the Executive Committee; and
  • keep in their custody or under their control:
    • the financial records for the current financial year; and
    • any other financial records as authorised by the Committee.

Vice President – Training and Assessment

  • the delegate (or his/her nominated representative) at Life Saving Operations – Council for Life Saving-Victoria;
  • oversee all award training and assessment held by Lorne SLSC; including but not limited to, Bronze Camp, Silver Camp, SRC Training and ongoing upskilling and award offering during the Lifesaving Season; and
  • responsible for selecting his/her own sub-committee that will support and assist in the running of Lorne SLSC’s award training and assessment.  Members of this sub-committee must be Active Members of Lorne SLSC.

Vice President – Junior Development

  • responsible for the club development, junior competition, and other issues of junior development.
  • the Club’s delegate or his/her nominated representative for the council of Youth, Leadership and Development for Life Saving Victoria; and
  • the Vice President, or their nominated representative, shall chair the sub-committee(s) for development.

Vice President – Competition

  • the Vice President, or his/her nominated representative, shall be the Club’s delegate on the Aquatic Sport Council and vote on all matters that may arise (at the Club’s direction); and
  • the Vice President, or his/her nominated representative, shall be chair on the Competition sub-committee. Members of the competition sub-committee could be the Team Manager (Senior and Junior), Boat Captain, Beach Captain, Board & Ski Captain, IRB Captain (Powercraft Captain). These members will have the right to vote at these sub-committee meetings.

Vice President – Building Management

  • Manage the Club’s buildings, comprising the Club House and the offsite premises at the Lorne Business Park.  It includes maintenance of building and features, alterations to the Club House, all service contracts including but not exclusive Fire Services, Gas Supplies and all sub-contractors.
  • the Vice President, or his/her nominated representative, shall chair meetings pertaining to the Club House.  Members of this committee shall be the President and the Treasurer and others as required.

Vice President – Venue Operations

  • Manage the operations of the Club House, acting on behalf of the Club and involving use of the Club House fund raising operations, including hire, any business partnerships, catering (restaurant and bar).
  • the Vice President, or his/her nominated representative, shall chair meetings pertaining to the Club Operations.  Members of this committee shall be the President and the Treasurer and others as required.

Vice President – Major Events

  • Plan, organise and conduct the Club’s Major Events, namely the Pier to Pub events, comprising the Lorne Pier to Pub Swim and the Lorne Mountain to Surf Run, held in January each year.
  • the Vice President, or his/her nominated representative, shall chair meetings pertaining to the Lorne Pier to Pub and Mountain to Surf events.

Club Captain

  • responsible for Patrols, including creating and managing the Patrol Roster, Patrols and their Captains, keeping a record of attendance thereat and of all life saving work performed by Members;
  • oversee the roles on the Life Saving sub-committee with responsibilities for patrols and patrol equipment including, Gear Steward, Powercraft Captain, First Aid Officer and Patrol Officer;
  • organise active members for special events such as the Mountain to Surf, Pier to Pub, Door Knock and working parties for carnivals.

Club Secretary

  • keep all minutes and conduct the correspondences of the Club;
  • responsible for all communications in the way correspondence and notices to the Members.

Club Administrator

  • the Club Administrator is a paid employee of the Club;
  • whilst the role is an employee of the Club, they do not have voting rights, although they can put forward recommendations.  If the position was voluntary it would have voting rights;
  • the role includes the duties that were previously conducted by the Registrar; and
  • responsible for the safe custody of Club records. Members may inspect these records upon stating sufficient reason.


General Committee Roles


Gear Steward

  • maintain the good condition of all life saving and carnival gear and equipment (except the IRB);
  • organise preparations for the annual LSV Gear inspection in October / November.

IRB Captain

  • responsible for the maintenance and care of the Club’s surf life saving power craft and necessary equipment
  • coach and arrange instruction in conjunction with the Chief Instructor for Members to obtain their Power Craft Awards;
  • familiarise all Members with the procedures of the power craft;
  • responsible for nominating water-safety personnel at LSV and SLSA competitions.

First Aid Officer

  • responsible for the maintenance, care and replacement of all first aid equipment and materials

Patrol Officer

  • assist the Club Captain with the efficiency of the patrols, keep a record of attendance thereat and of all life saving work performed by Members.

Boat Captain

  • responsible for the maintenance and care of the Club’s surf boats;
  • coach and arrange instruction for suitable members for boat crews;
  • arrange for the transport of gear to and from carnivals and the care thereof while on Club premises or elsewhere.

Board and Ski Captain

  • responsible for the general administration and conduct of competition and all matters appertaining to Surf Boards and Surf Skis activity;
  • arrange for the transport of board and ski gear to and from carnivals and the care thereof while on Club premises or elsewhere.

Beach Event Captain

  • responsible for the general administration and conduct of competition and all matters appertaining to Beach Events;
  • arrange for the transport of any gear required for Beach Events to and from carnivals and the care thereof while on Club premises or elsewhere.

Team Manager

  • liaise with the Club Administrator regarding competition hours each November to ensure that all competitors are eligible to compete; and
  • responsible for organising and submitting the names of each Lorne’s SLSC junior competition team member prior to each carnival.

Grants Officer

  • responsible for the application of funding grants for the benefit of Lorne SLSC

Life Member Registrar

  • responsible for managing applications for Life Membership and Life Member meetings

 Honorary Solicitor

  • to advise on legal matters
  • appointed by the Committee as required

Honorary Auditor

  • to audit the Club Accounts and Financial Statements
  • appointed by the Committee as required